These instructions are written for the most recent version of Traktor. I'm running Windows 7, 64-bit and using MIDI Yoke NT to handle routing. If you are using something different, this may not apply to you, but if you get it working with a different setup, please contact me at flosaic at gmail dot com so I can share your help with others!


NOTE: These instructions are for a PC. On a Mac, you can set up virtual MIDI ports with the built-in sound preferences. Anywhere you see a reference to MIDI Yoke ports below, just replace with your newly-created ports. I don't own a Mac but I've written up some hacky instructions for them HERE, so if anyone gets this working and cares to comment on these steps, let me know!

1) Download the appropriate files (after donating, of course!)

2) If you need them, download and install MIDI Yoke NT and the Max Runtime. NOTE: If you are using Midi Yoke NT, install the 32-bit version of the Max Runtime. The 64-bit version doesn't seem to assign ports correctly in this setup.

3) Plug in and turn on your Push (and the Z1 if you have it).

4) Launch Traktor, open Preferences, and click on Controller Manager. In the Device Setup section, select Add..., then Import TSI, then Import Other.... Browse and select the .tsi file you downloaded above. Set the In-Port to 'MIDIIN2 (Ableton Push)' and the Out-Port to 'None'.

5) If you have a Z1, repeat step 4 but import the Z1 .tsi file. Set the In-Port to 'Out To MIDI Yoke: 3' and the Out-Port to 'Traktor Kontrol Z1'.

6) If you'd like to see the track name and artist scroll for Decks A and B, select Add..., then Denon, then 'DN-HC4500'. Set the In-Port to 'None' and the Out-Port to 'Out To MIDI Yoke: 2'.


The order of activating hardware and software is imortant. This is how I do it:

1) Turn on the Push. (My Z1 stays on all the time and seems OK).

2) Launch Traktor.

3) Open the Max Patch with the 32-bit Max Runtime. The ports default to my setup, so change them to match yours and toggle display sections as desired.

4) In Traktor, open Preferences, and under Controller Manager, select the Trash mapping and set the Out-Port to 'None', then to 'Out To MIDI Yoke: 1'. The buttons and LCD on the Push should light up. If they don't, toggle back to 'None', then again to 'Out To MIDI Yoke: 1'. If there's still nothing, review your MIDI routing.

4) If you have a Z1, hold the Mode button and press A and B at the same time to activate MIDI mode and use the custom Z1 mapping. If you toggle the Push between Decks A and B and Decks C and D, the A and B buttons on the Z1 should follow (which means the EQ knobs are, too!). NOTE: The A and B buttons on the Z1 will now select between A/B or C/D EQing. To access their original functions, switch to Decks A and B mode and toggle cueing there.