This mapping and its associated files and this website took me hundreds of hours to code and test. It's all free, but I ask two things:
1) Since these are all open and editable file types, if you modify and re-release anything, please give me credit.
2) If you like what I've done or use this mapping in any capacity in which you get paid, please consider donating through PayPal:
Trash v1.tsi: The main mapping (1.2 Mb)
Trash Z1 v1.tsi: The companion custom Z1 mapping - only needed if you have a Native Instruments Z1 (606 Kb)
Trash Max v1.mxf: The Max Patch (2.8 Mb)
Trash Max v1.maxpat: The Max Patch source - only needed if you plan on altering the patch (2.4 Mb)
Head over to the install page for notes on installing and using these files!
Still on the first release!